Music Marketing


Class 1: Music and Brand Marketing

Class 2: Artist Planning

Class 3: Music Marketing Strategy

Class 4: Social Media and Digital Marketing

Music Marketing

Contact Hours: 12


Class 1: Music and Brand Marketing

Learning Outcomes:

  1. Understanding of basic and relevant marketing concepts.
  2. Understanding the role of music marketing in decision making.

Class 2: Artist Planning 

Learning Outcomes:

  1. Marketing activities for each stage of the artist’s growth using the Artist life cycle.
  2. Knowledge of elements of an artist’s plan or business plan.

Class 3: Music Marketing Strategy

Learning Outcomes:

  1. Learn to develop marketing objectives for artist’s music and brand.
  2. Learn to evaluate marketing projects in line with strategic or business plan.

Class 4: Social Media and Digital Marketing

Learning Outcomes:

  1. Understanding how to use social media as a marketing tool.
  2. Data collection through social media.


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