Music Production 101


Class 1: Music Creation (Writing and Production)

Class 2: Music Recording

Class 3: Mixing and Mastering Music

Class 4: Preparing Music for Release/Marketing

Music Production 101

Contact Hours: 12


Class 1: Music Creation (Writing and Production)

Learning Outcomes:

  1. Learn about writing structures and processes
  2. Learn of the importance of split sheets for composers
  3. Revenue streams for composers


Class 2: Music Recording

Learning Outcomes:

  1. Learn about recording basics and practices for recording artists
  2. Recording Etiquette


Class 3: Mixing and Mastering Music

Learning Outcomes:

  1. Learn how to record music for mixing and mastering.
  2. How to find and work with the right mixing and mastering engineer for you.
  3. Mixing and Mastering for streaming and for performances


Class 4: Preparing Music for Release/Marketing

Learning Outcomes

  1. Learn what needs to be done to release music on streaming platforms.
  2. Story telling and carrying an audience along (from recording to sales).
  3. Understanding music platforms and how to market and promote based on regions


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